[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm[16:02] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:02] <+bitch> bitch is lagg0red
[16:02] ��� Pollux ([email protected]) joins: #gloom
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:02] <QID|YDL> haga
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:02] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:02] <QID|YDL> stoopid bitch
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:02] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:02] <+bitch> I wish R1CH didn't keep restarting me
[16:02] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:02] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:02] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:02] <QID|YDL> hehehehehe
[16:02] <+bitch> Im the fortune teller now that DerTeufel retired.
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:02] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:02] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:02] <MuteMode> lol
[16:02] * bitch i am an assmonkey
[16:02] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] ��� Pollux ([email protected]) quits: Leaving
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is likely to drive r1ch insane
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is not a bloody mircbot
[16:03] <MuteMode> bitch is going nutz!
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> yup
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is a bitc
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> yup
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:03] <MuteMode> stop killing urself bitch!!!
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is butch...
[16:03] <QID|YDL> looks like this is a log, not a quote
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is a sinner
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:03] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:03] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:03] <QID|YDL> bitch, bitch is hax0red
[16:03] <+bitch> bitch is a mother
[16:03] <+bitch> OK QID|YDL
[16:03] <Gumby> :P
[16:03] <MuteMode> bitch stop it now or no dinner
[16:03] ��� R1CH ([email protected]) quits: Ping timeout
[16:03] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <+bitch> bitch is lame because he has onjoin insults
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:04] <+bitch> don't come here with that posh talk ya nasty stuck-up twit!
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it
[16:04] <+bitch> bitch is likely to drive r1ch insane
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <+bitch> bitch is lame because he has onjoin insults
[16:04] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it <reply> but i can't!!!
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] * bitch i am an assmonkey
[16:04] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it is <reply> but i can't!!!
[16:04] <+bitch> OK MuteMode
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <+bitch> bitch is a little bitch
[16:04] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it
[16:04] <Gumby> bitch, stop it
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:04] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:04] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:04] <Gumby> ?
[16:04] <+bitch> bitch can't remember rights to save her ass.
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <+bitch> bitch is gay
[16:05] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:05] <QID|YDL> bitch, stop it
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <+bitch> I'll always have more factoids than Gumby!
[16:05] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:05] <QID|YDL> hehe
[16:05] <Gumby> this could go on for a while
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it is but I can't!
[16:05] <+bitch> /quit
[16:05] <+bitch> OK MuteMode
[16:05] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it
[16:05] <+bitch> stop it is but I can't!
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] <MuteMode> errr
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <QID|YDL> this IS going on for a while
[16:05] <PeaceMaker> lol
[16:05] <+bitch> bitch is the bot with a chanserv access level of -2147483648
[16:05] <Gumby> bitch, count gumby
[16:05] <+bitch> There are 48 factoids for 'gumby' (1.47510755992624% of the total)
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� Jadzia ([email protected]) joins: #gloom
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <Gumby> bitch, count bitch
[16:05] <+bitch> my bitch
[16:05] <QID|YDL> Jadzia: killm bitch
[16:05] <+bitch> There are 50 factoids for 'bitch' (1.53609831029186% of the total)
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:05] <+bitch> The evil kicking bot!
[16:05] <QID|YDL> Jadzia: it's fucked
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:05] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:05] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] <+bitch> bitch is just some lame dumbass bot that has to make fun of everyone because it sucks
[16:06] <QID|YDL> Jadzia: see?
[16:06] <Gumby> hehehehe
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:06] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] <+bitch> bitch is a little bitch
[16:06] <Jadzia> You dont day
[16:06] <Jadzia> say
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:06] ��� PeaceMaker ([email protected]) quits: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:06] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] <Gumby> he dont say either :P
[16:06] <+bitch> bitch is a bastard
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:06] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] * bitch is r1ch's b1tch!
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:06] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] <+bitch> /quit
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:06] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:06] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:06] <+bitch> bitch is a blargh!
[16:06] <MuteMode> heh
[16:06] <MuteMode> this is funny
[16:06] <Jadzia> Not
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <Gumby> how many times now?
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is a bloody mircbot
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] <STERLING> LOL
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is gay
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <+bitch> you dirty double crossing rat!
[16:07] <MuteMode> bitch, stop it
[16:07] * STERLING DDOSs bitch
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <QID|YDL> Jadzia: any day now...
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is on a t1
[16:07] <STERLING> heheh
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] * STERLING nukes bitch with winnewk
[16:07] <MuteMode> bitch, bad
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is likely to drive r1ch insane
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is a little bitch
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:07] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:07] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:07] <+bitch> bitch is lagg0red
[16:08] <@Hrvatsko> bitch, die
[16:08] * bitch dies
[16:08] * STERLING hits bitch with leopard
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> bitch is the hacker behind the yahoo dos attack
[16:08] <Gumby> sooo fuct
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> bitch is lagg0red
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> bitch is butch...
[16:08] <MuteMode> any ops alive?
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> bitch is the hacker behind the yahoo dos attack
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] <QID|YDL> jad's here, but she's not doing anything
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] * STERLING casts power word : kill on bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> my bitch
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: [email protected]))
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:08] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:08] <+bitch> bitch is a bitc
[16:08] ��� bitch ([email protected]) quits: Killed (OperServ (Glined: The bot has flipped out! Fix him R1CH! (2000/03/02 Jadzia@OperServ)))
[16:09] <STERLING> hehehe
[16:09] <QID|YDL> haga
[16:09] <Jadzia> hmm
[16:09] <QID|YDL> Jadzia: add a kline
[16:09] <QID|YDL> to stop the operserv msgs
[16:10] <@Hrvatsko> WTG
[16:10] ��� bitch ([email protected]) joins: #gloOm
[16:10] ��� ChanServ sets mode #gloom: +v bitch
[16:10] * bitch get's in front and sucks
[16:11] <Gumby> hmmmm
[16:11] <Jadzia> Hmm seems bitch has settled down