[00:52] *** Jherax ([email protected]) has joined #gloom[00:52] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Jherax
[00:52] <@Jherax> umm
[00:52] <@Jherax> why is ruby opped?
[00:53] <QID|YDL> because
[00:53] <BlackKnight> Ruby-Pr0n is over.
[00:53] <@Jherax> no offense ruby..
[00:53] <QID|YDL> she 0wns
[00:53] <JeSteR> FP is gonna rock
[00:53] <BlackKnight> SHE KICKS!
[00:53] <BlackKnight> FP?
[00:53] <QID|YDL> Jherax: everyone wants ruby opped
[00:53] <@Jherax> well
[00:53] *** Jherax sets mode: -o RubyRiot
[00:53] <@Jherax> im sorry
[00:53] <BlackKnight> Hey
[00:53] <QID|YDL> !!!
[00:53] <QID|YDL> wtf
[00:53] <RubyRiot> I HATE FINAL HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:53] <BlackKnight> Ruby take Jherax in the back and make him feel at home...
[00:53] <@Jherax> hey guys
[00:53] <@Jherax> its policy...
[00:54] <BlackKnight> Policy this, I'm boycotting RXN and Gloom!
[00:54] <BlackKnight> I'm gettin me Johnny Cochran
[00:54] <QID|YDL> I can't remember a single instance of policy making something better
[00:54] <QID|YDL> that could be because my memory sucks
[00:54] <@Jherax> heh
[00:54] <BlackKnight> What do you say to that Jherax?
[00:54] <QID|YDL> I need something to drink
[00:55] <@Jherax> BK
[00:55] <@Jherax> i really care less
[00:55] <BlackKnight> Well good
[00:55] <BlackKnight> Expect a call tomorrow.
[00:55] <@Jherax> its what's right
[00:55] *** RubyRiot ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[00:55] <JeSteR> I want a beer
[00:55] <BlackKnight> Suck on your mom's cokc
[00:55] <BlackKnight> cock
[00:55] <JeSteR> huh?
[00:55] <JeSteR> stfu ;P
[00:55] <BlackKnight> In time you won't be thirsty anymore
[00:55] <BlackKnight> :)
[00:56] <BlackKnight> Well I'm gone
[00:56] <BlackKnight> I'm gonna go call my lawyer.
[00:56] <BlackKnight> And then off to bed, I got a big day tomorrow at City Hall
[00:56] <JeSteR> Why
[00:56] <JeSteR> ?
[00:56] <Reaper-1> what's up BK?
[00:56] <BlackKnight> I'm sewing RXN for $1 million dollars
[00:56] <JeSteR> Gonna sue the guy that hacked you?
[00:56] <JeSteR> hehe
[00:56] <JeSteR> Really??
[00:56] <BlackKnight> Half will goto Ruby
[00:56] 12:56am Channel information: Ops: 2 (11%) Voice: 1 (6%) Regular: 15 (83%) Total: 18
[00:57] <JeSteR> heh
[00:57] <BlackKnight> Because of feelings being hurt, she needs it.
[00:57] <Reaper-1> writing E:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\gloomr1b.bsp
[00:57] <Reaper-1> ----- Time -----
[00:57] <Reaper-1> 3492 seconds elapsed
[00:57] <Reaper-1> (All the employees at NASA stand up and cheer!)
[00:57] <BlackKnight> the other half goes to me and Johnny Cochran
[00:57] <QID|YDL> the other half will go to me because I'll hax0r bk's bank
[00:57] <Reaper-1> =)
[00:57] <BlackKnight> You guys think I'm kidding
[00:57] <JeSteR> lol
[00:57] <JeSteR> nope
[00:57] <JeSteR> I dont.
[00:57] <QID|YDL> johnny's rich enough
[00:57] <BlackKnight> But when RXN goes down the tubes.
[00:57] <Reaper-1> =)
[00:57] <BlackKnight> You have me to thank/hate
[00:57] <Reaper-1> we'll be without 1.2
[00:58] <BlackKnight> I'll wait til 1.2 comes out
[00:58] <Reaper-1> kay
[00:58] <BlackKnight> :)
[00:58] <Reaper-1> then I'll be happy
[00:58] <@Jherax> no
[00:58] <BlackKnight> We were on the same thought Reap
[00:58] <Dicion> Reaper-1: msg windoe
[00:58] <@Jherax> everyone but BK will get 1.2 :)
[00:58] <BlackKnight> impossible to do.
[00:58] <QID|YDL> "You have the right to an attorney. If you get Johnny Cochran, I'll kill you!" - Chris Rock, Lethal Weapon 4
[00:58] <BlackKnight> I'll leach it off of Reap when he's not looking.
[00:58] <BlackKnight> Ah
[00:58] <BlackKnight> I'll sew for $1 Billion Dollars
[00:58] <BlackKnight> :)
[00:58] <BlackKnight> And access to v1.2
[00:59] <BlackKnight> :)
[00:59] <BlackKnight> Alrighty...
[00:59] <BlackKnight> I'm set
[00:59] <QID|YDL> BlackKnight: countersuit
[00:59] <QID|YDL> for being annoying
[00:59] <Reaper-1> windoe?
[00:59] <BlackKnight> join #sew-rxn for more info
[00:59] <Reaper-1> who's windoe?
[00:59] <JeSteR> hey BK how much does it cost to sew?
[00:59] <QID|YDL> Reaper-1: he meant window
[00:59] <Reaper-1> what's window?
[00:59] <BlackKnight> This is for real.
[01:00] <Reaper-1> ruby's a lot more IRC literate than I am
[01:00] <BlackKnight> Depends on the lawyer.
[01:00] <Reaper-1> I just survive with my user friendly lil vIRC
[01:00] <@Jherax> if (clients->incoming->name == *BlackKnight*) { kill clients->incoming }
[01:00] <@Jherax> hehe
[01:00] <BlackKnight> She probably hit Quit by accident?
[01:00] <Reaper-1> no
[01:00] <@Jherax> ill get BC to put that in 4 bk :P
[01:00] <Reaper-1> If you want to blame someone for her leaving
[01:00] <BlackKnight> Quote?
[01:00] <Reaper-1> blame finalhour
[01:00] <Reaper-1> damn I hate that guy
[01:00] <Reaper-1> he used to be cool
[01:00] <Reaper-1> but now...
[01:00] <BlackKnight> Fh is a woman.
[01:01] <JeSteR> is he/she?
[01:01] <BlackKnight> The pimple in my ear is growing!
[01:01] <Reaper-1> He was bitching at me in #clan_ka
[01:01] <BlackKnight> It's throbbin now!
[01:01] <Reaper-1> logged the whole thing =)
[01:01] <BlackKnight> Ahh, time to pop
[01:01] * BlackKnight *POP*
[01:01] <QID|YDL> if fh is a woman she's probably a toothless ho
[01:01] <BlackKnight> Shit
[01:01] <BlackKnight> Blood everywhere
[01:01] <BlackKnight> All over the screen
[01:01] <BlackKnight> I'm gonna pass out
[01:01] <QID|YDL> BlackKnight: *CRACKLE SNAP*
[01:01] *** Jherax changes topic to 'The GLOOM Official IRC Channel -- -- [23:05] <Jherax> fh IS a women <QID|YDL> if fh is a woman she's probably a toothless ho [23:05] <finalhour> yea'
[01:01] <BlackKnight> bye for tonight
[01:02] <JeSteR> lol
[01:02] <QID|YDL> heg
[01:02] <@Jherax> heh
[01:02] <JeSteR> Later
[01:02] <@Jherax> its a quote
[01:02] <QID|YDL> BlackKnight: GO
[01:02] *** BlackKnight has quit IRC ([email protected]) (I3D.Quit:Leaving)