[20:52] <Weakling> finalhour, you are a loathsome botch of scrotum bundles[20:52] <Weakling> oops
[20:52] <Weakling> hehe polaris has some wierd stuff
[20:52] <finalhour> ?
[20:53] <Weakling> scripts
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, you are a gigantic glob of elephants excrement
[20:53] <Weakling> finalhour, You might be a RedNeck if, If the nutcracker was something you did off the high board in high school.
[20:53] <+Lynch_Hung> Weakling, you are a mangled mishmash of elephants excrement
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, Uses of an AOL disk, #13. Use multiple disks to create an ideal door stopper.
[20:53] <Weakling> hehe
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, you might be an IRC Adict if you refer to rush hour traffic as lagged.
[20:53] <+Lynch_Hung> Weakling, You might be a RedNeck if, Your screen door has no screen.
[20:53] <Weakling> finalhour, it's really annoying when you Chain yourself to furniture, informing the curious, that you don't want to fall off "in case of an earthquake."
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, it's really annoying when you Invite lots of people to other people's parties.
[20:53] <+Lynch_Hung> Weakling, Yo mama's so fat if she weighed five more pounds, she could get group insurance!
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, Yo mama's so stupid that she go hit by a parked car.
[20:53] <Weakling> finalhour, Yo mama's got no fingers talking bout wanted to be with the Pointer sisters
[20:53] <MrGib|GMD> Lynch_Hung your so ugly the family dog would'nt play with you even if you had a pork chop necklace on
[20:53] <+Lynch_Hung> Weakling, you are a abominable conglomeration of horse turd
[20:53] <Weakling> Lynch_Hung, you might be an IRC Adict if you have actually kept up with ten conversations at one time.
[20:53] <finalhour> Weakling, Uses of an AOL disk, #77. Put them in your shirt pocket to make you look smart.
[20:53] <+Lynch_Hung> Sul, Uses of an AOL disk, #71. Dental floss (use actual disk).
[20:54] <Weakling> Lynch_Hung, you are a disgusting piece of greasy dandruff
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> MrGib|GMD, you are a humungous shovel-load of earwax scrapings
[20:54] <finalhour> Weakling, Uses of an AOL disk, #23. Use them for karate board-breaking demonstrations (save a tree).
[20:54] <Weakling> finalhour, You might be a RedNeck if, Your wife has ever burned out an electric razor.
[20:54] <MrGib|GMD> Ya know something Lynch_Hung, if stupidity was worth a penny you would be a trillionaire.
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> NoLimit[KA], you might be an IRC Adict if you offer the babysitter OPs when you go out for the night.
[20:54] <JexJackL> oi
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> HAHA
[20:54] <JexJackL> stop
[20:54] <Weakling> HAHA
[20:54] <JexJackL> bad evils
[20:54] <Weakling> hehehe
[20:54] <MrGib|GMD> finalhour your teeth are so stained they look like a grill from an old Pontiac
[20:54] <finalhour> Weakling, Yo mama's so dumb she sat on TV & watched the couch
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you are a distasteful cauldron of stomach chunks
[20:54] <JexJackL> o no!
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you are a gross shovel-load of weasel wastings
[20:54] <MrGib|GMD> finalhour if your head were any bigger the goodyear blimp would go out of business
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you are a incredible piece of horse turd
[20:54] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so ugly when you look in the mirror your own relection says " damn someone get a bag!!"
[20:54] <JexJackL> hehe
[20:54] <+Lynch_Hung> finalhour, you are a disgusting puddle of bed lice
[20:54] <finalhour> MrGib|GMD, Yo family's so black when they hold hands look like a stretch limo
[20:54] <Weakling> haha
[20:54] <NoLimit[KA]> lynch you coming?
[20:55] <Weakling> MrGib|GMD, it's really annoying when you Get to know a friends bookie and place bets for them. Insist on keeping half of any money they win.
[20:55] <finalhour> MrGib|GMD, you are a massive splodge of dogsdinner leftovers
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so ugly the family dog would'nt play with you even if you had a pork chop necklace on
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so ugly America's most wanted still will not post your picture
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> :)
[20:55] <JexJackL> o ya? well...
[20:55] * JexJackL slaps Lynch_Hung around a bit with a large trout
[20:55] <JexJackL> :)
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> heh
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> so?
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> :)
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your hair is so greasy McDonalds wants to fry potatoes in it.
[20:55] <MrGib|GMD> :)
[20:55] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you are a disgusting heap of mould fluff
[20:55] <Weakling> haha
[20:55] <JexJackL> ack...gang raping....
[20:55] <JexJackL> nooooooooooo
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, you are a incredible mix of green nose pickings
[20:56] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so ugly even your shadow runs away
[20:56] <Weakling> JexJackL, you are a large mix of mould fluff
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, You might be a RedNeck if, You think the Mountain Men in deliverance were just "Misunderstood".
[20:56] <Weakling> JexJackL, you are a contaminated build-up of tadpole entrails
[20:56] <QID|YDL> if you guys keep this up I'm gonna have to break out pescibot
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, it's really annoying when you Ask girls if you may "Connect in a physical level" with them.
[20:56] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so ugly if ugly was an award you would win first second AND third place hands down.
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, you might be an IRC Adict if you go to #CyberSex when you are horny.
[20:56] <Weakling> hehe
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, You might be a RedNeck if, If your dad walks you to school because your in the same grade.
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, you might be an IRC Adict if you offer the babysitter OPs when you go out for the night.
[20:56] <Weakling> JexJackL, Uses of an AOL disk, #38. Refrigerator magnet (glue a magnet to the back).
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you might be an IRC Adict if you've ever went to one of those form-submit web page 'chats' just to say "You losers don't even know what IRC is, do you? Huh!? DO YOU!?"
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, it's really annoying when you Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip..."
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, Yo mama's teeth so rotten when she smiles they look like dice
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, You might be a RedNeck if, You consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading.
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, Yo mama's so dumb, she got hit by a cup and told the police that she got mugged.
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, Yo mama's so tall, she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, it's really annoying when you Construct strange marks to your front lawn and claim that they are "UFO landing marks."
[20:56] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so dumb when you see a sign that says "say no to crack" it reminds you to pull your pants up.
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, Yo mama's so poor, she married young just to get the rice!
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, you might be an IRC Adict if you join busy channels just to talk to yourself because the scrolling makes you feel better about it somehow.
[20:56] *** QID|YDL is now known as Pesci
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, You might be a RedNeck if, Exxon and Conoco have offered you royalties for your hair.
[20:56] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so dumb when you see a sign that says "say no to crack" it reminds you to pull your pants up.
[20:56] <Pesci> dangit
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, Yo mama's got snakeskin teeth.
[20:56] <Weakling> oh NO
[20:56] <JexJackL> JexJackL your so dumb when you see a sign that says "say no to crack" it reminds you to pull your pants
[20:56] <+Lynch_Hung> JexJackL, Yo mama's so fat every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
[20:56] *** Pesci is now known as PesciBot
[20:56] 8:56pm Channel information: Ops: 1 (5%) Voice: 2 (11%) Regular: 16 (84%) Total: 19
[20:56] <Weakling> not a pesci bot!
[20:56] <finalhour> JexJackL, you might be an IRC Adict if you raise your hand in class and say "BRB."
[20:57] <PesciBot> I'm PesciBot, and whatever you want, PesciBot gets.
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> jex
[20:57] * PesciBot sticks Dicion's head in a vice and turns it until his fuckin eyeballs pop out.
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> you liked that one eh?
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> :)
[20:57] <PesciBot> What the fuck are you doing phazer? You're hanging around my fuckin' neck like a vulture, like impending death!
[20:57] <Weakling> hehe
[20:57] * PesciBot stabs that prick {GZ}Blac in the neck with a ball point pen
[20:57] <Weakling> daaaaam
[20:57] * PesciBot and again &@#^*
[20:57] <Weakling> i want this bot
[20:57] * PesciBot again@^&*(!
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> JexJackL your so dumb when you see a sign that says "say no to crack" it reminds you to pull your pants up.
[20:57] <JexJackL> wow...JackL bashing
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> :)
[20:57] * PesciBot AND AGAIN #^&@*^&
[20:57] <+Lynch_Hung> MrGib|GMD, you are a gross helping of soiled underwear
[20:57] <MrGib|GMD> heh
[20:57] <+Lynch_Hung> Dengar[G2D], you might be an IRC Adict if you offer the babysitter OPs when you go out for the night.
[20:57] <PesciBot> If you don't have my money for me, I'll crack your fucking head in front of everyone in the bank.
[20:57] <PesciBot> That's my business. That's what I do.
[20:57] <PesciBot> But guess what? I'll crack your fucking head again! 'Cause I'm fucking stupid! I don't give a fuck about jail!
[20:57] <+Lynch_Hung> PesciBot, you are a mucky mess of stomach chunks
[20:57] <PesciBot> And just about the time I get out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma.
[20:57] <JexJackL> you might be an IRC Adict if you offer the babysitter OPs when you go out for the night. hehehehehehe
[20:57] <PesciBot> You like to renegotiate as you go along. Well here's my counter offer... do I have to kill you?
[20:57] <Weakling> PesciBot, Yo mama's so ugly I took her to the zoo, guy at the door said "thanks for bringing her back
[20:57] <PesciBot> What if I were just to kick the ever loving shit out of you?
[20:57] <Weakling> PesciBot, You might be a RedNeck if, When you run out of gas, you put gin in the gas tank.
[20:57] <PesciBot> In my dreams? Oh no no... in reality.
[20:58] <Weakling> PesciBot, you might be an IRC Adict if someone at work tells you a joke, and you say "LOL!"
[20:58] <PesciBot> If I kick the shit out of you, do I get the money?
[20:58] <Weakling> PesciBot, you might be an IRC Adict if you don't know your girlfriend's first name.
[20:58] <PesciBot> If a guy fuckin' slipped on a fuckin' banana peel, they blamed me.
[20:58] <PesciBot> The coppers blamed me for every little thing out here, and I mean every little fuckin' thing.
[20:58] <Weakling> PesciBot, you might be an IRC Adict if you find yourself wishing that bitch there were on IRC so you could flood her.
[20:58] * PesciBot gets hit in the head with a paint can
[20:58] *** Dengar[G2D] has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
[20:58] <PesciBot> When it looked like they could get twenty-five years to life in prison just for skimming a casino, sick or no fuckin' sick you knew people were going to get clipped.
[20:58] <+DevilWarrior> stop trhat
[20:58] <PesciBot> &?$"*?@!
[20:59] <+Lynch_Hung> DevilWarrior, you are a putrid manifestation of owls food balls
[20:59] * PesciBot hits mirc
[20:59] <+DevilWarrior> Cool.
[20:59] <PesciBot> ergh... there we go
[20:59] <+DevilWarrior> Thanks Lynch.
[20:59] * PesciBot stabs that prick {GZ}Blac in the neck with a ball point pen
[20:59] * PesciBot and again &@#^*
[20:59] <PesciBot> !
[20:59] <Weakling> hehe
[20:59] * PesciBot again@^&*(!
[20:59] * PesciBot AND AGAIN #^&@*^&
[20:59] * Weakling AND AGAIN!!!!!
[20:59] <PesciBot> {GZ}Blac: pescibot dun like you
[20:59] <Weakling> hehe
[20:59] <PesciBot> If you don't have my money for me, I'll crack your fucking head in front of everyone in the bank.
[20:59] <PesciBot> That's my business. That's what I do.
[20:59] <Weakling> heard it
[20:59] <PesciBot> But guess what? I'll crack your fucking head again! 'Cause I'm fucking stupid! I don't give a fuck about jail!
[20:59] <Weakling> heard it
[20:59] <Weakling> heard it
[20:59] <PesciBot> And just about the time I get out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma.
[21:00] * PesciBot hits mirc again
[21:00] <Weakling> heard it
[21:00] <finalhour> hey
[21:00] * PesciBot and again &@#^*
[21:00] <+DevilWarrior> Stop it.
[21:00] <Weakling> heard it
[21:00] <finalhour> have you guys heard about the ratbot?
[21:00] <PesciBot> heg
[21:00] *** NoLimit[KA] has quit IRC ([email protected]) (I3D.Quit:GlowNdark Script @
[21:00] <finalhour> heh like zbot
[21:00] <+DevilWarrior> Just kill the pesci bot!
[21:00] *** PesciBot is now known as QID|YDL
[21:00] *** [DSH]Who ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[21:00] <+DevilWarrior> thank you
[21:00] <QID|YDL> that was a fun log