[18:25] *** a is now known as God[18:25] <Rasputin> hey
[18:25] *** HunterBK is now known as Satan
[18:25] <QID|YDL> we need a Jesus
[18:25] *** Rasputin is now known as Budha
[18:26] <Neotic> #mappers needs people! Yes, people like you. Good, honest, tax-paying people. We need you!
[18:26] *** QID|YDL is now known as Vishnu
[18:26] <Budha> are there 2 Ds in Budha?
[18:26] <Budha> buddha?
[18:26] <Vishnu> yeah, 2 d's
[18:26] <Neotic> buddah
[18:26] *** Budha is now known as Buddah
[18:26] <Vishnu> it's Buddha
[18:26] <Vishnu> trust me
[18:26] *** Buddah is now known as Buddha
[18:26] <Satan> a
[18:26] <Satan> GOD YOU SHAL DIE!
[18:26] <Buddha> anyways... buddah's owned by someone else
[18:27] <Buddha> nickserv gave me shit for that one =)
[18:27] <God> SATAN!!!
[18:27] <Neotic> HOLY SHIT BALLS. I sent 8k to Jex. Im on 56k. Whats the bogle?
[18:27] <God> ahhhhhhh
[18:27] *** Vishnu is now known as Ra
[18:27] *** [40] has quit IRC ([email protected]) (
[18:27] *** Buddha is now known as Amon-Ra
[18:27] *** Amon-Ra is now known as Zeus
[18:27] *** Ra is now known as Jupiter
[18:27] <Satan> hey
[18:27] * Zeus throws lightning at Jupiter
[18:28] <InSaNiTy> Im STILL away, Logging �( Off )� Pager �( Off )� Reason �( gone )� Gone for �( 12mins 28secs )� M�g�� ����t
[18:28] <God> shadup
[18:28] *** Ass_BBI10 is now known as [G2D]AssAssIn
[18:28] <[G2D]AssAssIn> hi
[18:28] <[G2D]AssAssIn> back
[18:28] <Jupiter> actually, Jupiter is the roman name for Zeus
[18:28] <Zeus> I know
[18:28] <Zeus> just Greeks are kewler
[18:28] <God> no... its not
[18:28] <Jupiter> so if you zap me you zap yourself
[18:28] <[G2D]AssAssIn> err
[18:28] *** [G2D]AssAssIn is now known as Krishna
[18:28] <Krishna> If you cant beat em, join em
[18:28] <Krishna> :)
[18:28] * Jupiter watches Zeus spasm and fall over
[18:28] <Zeus> =)
[18:28] * Zeus dies
[18:28] *** Jupiter is now known as Vishnu
[18:28] *** Zeus is now known as Athena
[18:28] * Krishna attacks God
[18:29] <God> god rapes them all
[18:29] * Athena comes from Zeus' head
[18:29] *** Krishna is now known as Apollo
[18:29] <MuteMode> WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!????
[18:29] * Apollo kills Athena
[18:29] * Athena kills mute
[18:29] <Vishnu> OOOHHMMM
[18:29] <Athena> bleh
[18:29] <God> god whips out his 8"hog and sticks it in Athenas dead ass
[18:29] <Apollo> The reckoning of the gods
[18:29] <Vishnu> this is, uh, interesting...
[18:29] *** Apollo is now known as Horus
[18:29] *** Athena is now known as Fallen_Angel
[18:29] *** Vishnu is now known as Ra
[18:29] * Horus strikes down Vishnu
[18:29] <Ra> apoll: MUAHAHAHAHAHA
[18:29] <Ra> ergh
[18:30] * Fallen_Angel strikes at God
[18:30] <Ra> Horus: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[18:30] <Horus> I know more of these nicks than any opf you cos I play freespace
[18:30] <Horus> :)
[18:30] <Satan> ya whores
[18:30] *** Frost has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Leaving)
[18:30] <Satan> oh oops
[18:30] <Ra> Whorus
[18:30] <Horus> That has about 40 ship naems all in religion :)
[18:30] <Horus> oi!
[18:30] <Horus> :)
[18:30] *** Horus is now known as Seth
[18:30] <Seth> diediedie
[18:30] *** Ra is now known as Sith
[18:30] <Fallen_Angel> I shall be God's alter-ego... God backwards... dog!
[18:30] *** Fallen_Angel is now known as Dog
[18:30] <Sith> ergh
[18:30] *** Sith is now known as Ra
[18:30] *** Seth is now known as Artemis
[18:30] <Ra> sith is taken
[18:31] <MuteMode> this is dumb...........
[18:31] *** Artemis is now known as Ursa
[18:31] *** Dog is now known as Hermes
[18:31] <Hermes> Hermes rules all
[18:31] <Ra> hey, Dog and God are right next to each other in the nicklist
[18:31] <Ra> or they were
[18:31] <InSaNiTy> Im STILL away, Logging �( Off )� Pager �( Off )� Reason �( gone )� Gone for �( 15mins 40secs )� M�g�� ����t
[18:31] *** Ursa is now known as AssAssIn
[18:31] <AssAssIn> hehe
[18:31] *** Ra is now known as Zeus
[18:31] *** MuteMode is now known as Herpes
[18:31] <AssAssIn> I know many names:
[18:31] <Hermes> =)
[18:31] <Zeus> mute: HAHAHASGAHA
[18:31] <Zeus> dangt
[18:31] <Zeus> gmnk4r 093q
[18:31] * Hermes flees
[18:31] <Hermes> strategic retreat!
[18:31] <Satan> bbahaha Herpes!!
[18:31] <Zeus> hep: hegehege
[18:31] <AssAssIn> Apollo, Valkryie, Hercules, uylsess, Athena, Medusa, Ursa, Elyisium, Faustus, Fenri,s Levithan,Orion
[18:31] <AssAssIn> YOU CANNOT BEAT M,E!
[18:32] * Zeus zaps his keyboard
[18:32] *** Hermes is now known as Iolaus
[18:32] <AssAssIn> Triton, Posediton, Chronos
[18:32] <Iolaus> hey Herc!
[18:32] <Iolaus> Hey Herc!
[18:32] <Iolaus> doo doo doo dooooo
[18:32] *** Neotic is now known as CastorTroy_back_the_dead
[18:32] <AssAssIn> erk
[18:32] <Zeus> AssAssIn: HA HA
[18:32] <AssAssIn> HA HA WHAT?
[18:32] *** Satan is now known as Left
[18:32] *** Zeus is now known as Right
[18:33] *** God is now known as Testicle
[18:33] <Iolaus> lol
[18:33] <Herpes> lol
[18:33] <Right> heh
[18:33] <Testicle> hey
[18:33] <Left> guys
[18:33] <Left> er
[18:33] <Testicle> this is
[18:33] <AssAssIn> FFS IT's F-ING BED TIME F!
[18:33] *** Right is now known as Tenticle
[18:33] <Left> a bit
[18:33] <Testicle> better
[18:33] *** Herpes is now known as MuteMode
[18:33] <Tenticle> egh
[18:33] <Tenticle> who am I again?
[18:33] <AssAssIn> A testicle
[18:33] <AssAssIn> err
[18:33] <AssAssIn> Tenticle
[18:33] <Tenticle> no
[18:34] <Tenticle> oh yeah, I'm QID
[18:34] <AssAssIn> Right
[18:34] <Tenticle> ok
[18:34] <AssAssIn> :)
[18:34] <AssAssIn> OK
[18:34] <AssAssIn> cya
[18:34] <AssAssIn> BED
[18:34] <AssAssIn> FFS!
[18:34] <Tenticle> GO
[18:34] <Tenticle> BYE
[18:34] <AssAssIn> grrrrrrr
[18:34] <Tenticle> LEAVE
[18:34] <Tenticle> CYA
[18:34] <AssAssIn> BE GONE WITH I
[18:34] <Iolaus> let's all be superheroes
[18:34] <Tenticle> ORANGE
[18:34] *** Iolaus is now known as WonderWoman
[18:34] <AssAssIn> OK I know when im not wanted
[18:34] <AssAssIn> :)
[18:34] *** AssAssIn has quit IRC ([email protected]) (And the almighty power of the cookie will be unleashed, destroying every being in the universe)
[18:34] *** Testicle is now known as Oranges
[18:34] <InSaNiTy> Im STILL away, Logging �( Off )� Pager �( Off )� Reason �( gone )� Gone for �( 18mins 51secs )� M�g�� ����t
[18:34] *** WonderWoman has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Leaving)
[18:34] <Tenticle> ORANGE PEEL
[18:34] <Tenticle> ORANGE PEEL
[18:34] <Tenticle> ORANGE PEEL
[18:35] *** Left is now known as Interesting_things_to_stick_in
[18:35] <Oranges> aww
[18:35] *** Tenticle is now known as Orange
[18:35] <Oranges> wanted interesting things to stick in the orfaces on a womans bod
[18:35] <Oranges> y
[18:35] *** CastorTroy_back_the_dead is now known as Neotic
[18:35] <Oranges> but it woudnt fit
[18:35] <Orange> heh
[18:35] <Oranges> asd
[18:36] <Orange> ...
[18:36] <Interesting_things_to_stick_in> asdasd
[18:36] <Orange> qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
[18:36] *** Oranges is now known as the_orfices_of_a_woman
[18:36] <Interesting_things_to_stick_in> asd
[18:36] <the_orfices_of_a_woman> as
[18:36] <Orange> hegehe
[18:36] <Interesting_things_to_stick_in> bauaha
[18:36] <the_orfices_of_a_woman> hah
[18:36] <Orange> umm
[18:36] *** E ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[18:36] *** Orange is now known as QID|YDL