[23:06] <Kermit> heh[23:06] <kami-bye> Yes Yes yes
[23:06] <kami-bye> later guys
[23:06] <[NerV]Raziel> I DONT AVE PARENT HAHAHAFU :P
[23:06] *** Cyban is now known as Miss_Piggy
[23:06] <Kermit> see ya
[23:06] <+Miss_Piggy> KERMIE!!!!!!!
[23:06] *** Veda ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[23:06] <Kermit> eep
[23:06] <kami-bye> Cya Hellbringer.....
[23:06] * +Miss_Piggy tackles kermit
[23:06] <Hell|away> cya
[23:06] <kami-bye> later guys
[23:06] <kami-bye> ill own you tomorrow hell
[23:06] <[NerV]Raziel> bye
[23:06] *** Arklight ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[23:06] * +Miss_Piggy beats the hell outta kermit
[23:06] <Hell|away> sure u will
[23:06] <kami-bye> Enjoy your night with fella
[23:06] <Hell|away> and the sky will burn
[23:06] *** kami-bye ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:07] <Kermit> staying away from you
[23:07] *** Hell|away is now known as Beeker
[23:07] <Beeker> meep meep
[23:07] *** Norfenstein is now known as Gonzo
[23:07] <Kermit> BEEKER!!!
[23:07] <+Miss_Piggy> hi beekie
[23:07] <Gonzo> ...
[23:07] <Beeker> meep
[23:07] <+Miss_Piggy> hi gonzo
[23:07] <[NerV]Raziel> Gonzo
[23:07] * +Miss_Piggy rubs gonzo's long...err...nose
[23:07] <+blink> um
[23:07] <[NerV]Raziel> OMG
[23:08] <+blink> WTF IS WITH YOU PEOPLE
[23:08] *** QID|YDL ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[23:08] <+blink> [QID|YDL] creator of blink, god of mIRC scripting, C++, PHP, and HTML
[23:08] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v QID|YDL
[23:08] <+Miss_Piggy> hi qiddy
[23:08] <[NerV]Raziel> Gonzo long time i dint see im lol
[23:08] <+Miss_Piggy> where is animal?
[23:08] <Kermit> I killed him
[23:08] <Kermit> too annoying
[23:08] <+Miss_Piggy> oh
[23:08] *** Beeker is now known as Animal
[23:08] <[NerV]Raziel> at the zoo
[23:08] <+Miss_Piggy> never liked him anyways
[23:08] <Animal> woa thats regged
[23:08] <+Miss_Piggy> rizzo?
[23:09] <+QID|YDL> hmm, parsing blink's logs is probably easier than parsing mine, I'll just have to find out where the hell this began
[23:09] *** Xelfer ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[23:09] <+blink> [Xelfer] the comics dude
[23:09] <+bitch> This guy plays 52 card pick-up like no other
[23:09] <+Miss_Piggy> whos that?
[23:09] *** Gonzo is now known as Norfenstein
[23:09] <Animal> ANIMAL, ANIMAL, ANIMAL!!!!!
[23:09] *** veg ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[23:09] <+Miss_Piggy> hehe
[23:09] *** Xelfer ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: no thanks)
[23:09] *** Miss_Piggy is now known as Cyban
[23:09] <+QID|YDL> LOL
[23:09] <[NerV]Raziel> Gonza = Norf!?
[23:09] <Kermit> heh
[23:09] <+Cyban> lOL
[23:09] *** Animal is now known as Hellbringer
[23:09] <+QID|YDL> that
[23:09] *** Woooha ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[23:09] <+QID|YDL> that's definitely part of the log