[13:50] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life[13:51] <Gordon> hi
[13:51] <Gordon> hello
[13:51] <Gordon> anybody here?
[13:53] <Gordon> not much happens her, ey?
[13:53] <Gordon> thought so
[13:54] <Gordon> ever heard of hospitality?
[13:54] <QID|YDL> WHAT
[13:54] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has left #half-life
[13:54] <QID|YDL> lamer
[13:54] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:54] <Gordon> wups
[13:54] <tenkei> moron
[13:54] <Gordon> hey!
[13:54] <QID|YDL> lamer
[13:55] <Gordon> why?
[13:55] <tenkei> get out
[13:55] <Gordon> why?
[13:55] <Gordon> what have i done?
[13:55] <Gordon> what crime have i comitted?
[13:55] * Gordon starts crying
[13:55] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[13:55] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:55] <Gordon> bunch a dumbasses
[13:55] * Gordon slaps Sonny_G_bot around a bit with a large trout
[13:55] * Gordon slaps JimmyCunt around a bit with a large trout
[13:55] * Gordon slaps DrDeath around a bit with a large trout
[13:55] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[13:55] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:55] <Gordon> hahahha
[13:55] <Gordon> ha
[13:55] <Gordon> ha
[13:55] * Gordon slaps Gordon around a bit with a large trout
[13:55] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[13:55] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:55] <Gordon> dude!
[13:56] <Gordon> stop!
[13:56] <QID|YDL> can someone please kb this guy?
[13:56] <Gordon> ill stop too
[13:56] <QID|YDL> Gordon: IT'S A FUCKING BOT
[13:56] <Gordon> no it aint
[13:56] <Gordon> its a human
[13:56] <Gordon> at least i think
[13:56] <Gordon> i think therfore i am
[13:56] <Gordon> no i dont
[13:57] <Gordon> i wanna talk to him
[13:57] <Gordon> now
[13:57] <Gordon> please
[13:57] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[13:57] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:57] <Gordon> back again
[13:57] <Gordon> fujny
[13:57] <Gordon> funny
[13:57] <Gordon> sup?
[13:57] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[13:57] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:57] <Gordon> ill just continue
[13:57] <QID|YDL> why are the ops never here when the lamers are bothering us?
[13:57] <Gordon> doin this
[13:57] <tenkei> ...
[13:57] <Gordon> have top much time on my hands
[13:58] <Gordon> if you would start a cnversation with me i would calm down
[13:58] *** HL2001 has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
[13:58] <Gordon> so...
[13:58] <Gordon> anyone wanna chat?
[13:58] <QID|YDL> NO
[13:58] <Gordon> u guys=no fun
[13:59] <Gordon> me=fun
[13:59] * Gordon starts partying
[13:59] <QID|YDL> you=lamer
[13:59] <tenkei> get the fuck outta here, partyboi
[13:59] <Gordon> no
[13:59] *** HL2001 ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[13:59] <Gordon> i refuse
[13:59] <Gordon> tu kick me ic ome back]
[13:59] <tenkei> or join #1,000
[14:00] <Gordon> why?
[14:00] <tenkei> so i can kick your ass
[14:00] * Gordon laughs his head off
[14:00] * Gordon is dead
[14:00] * Gordon looks for his head
[14:00] * Gordon finds it under the sofa
[14:00] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:00] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:01] <Gordon> so............................................................................................
[14:01] <HL2001> good one Sonny_G
[14:01] <Gordon> what is good?
[14:01] <HL2001> sonny_g just told us this hilarious joke
[14:01] <Gordon> that im back?
[14:01] <Gordon> oh...
[14:01] <HL2001> you shoulda been there
[14:01] <HL2001> sonny_g is so funny
[14:01] <Gordon> tell me
[14:01] <Gordon> tplease
[14:01] <Gordon> please
[14:01] <Gordon> what joke!>
[14:01] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:01] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:01] <tenkei> yay, i fixed my site
[14:02] <HL2001> where
[14:02] <Gordon> tell me funny joke
[14:02] <tenkei> www.designanarchy.nu
[14:02] <Gordon> ill visit
[14:02] <tenkei> don't
[14:02] <Gordon> what nu stand for
[14:02] <Gordon> ?
[14:02] <tenkei> Not U
[14:02] <HL2001> tenkei- is Rhino3d better than 3dsmax?
[14:03] <Gordon> great site
[14:03] <QID|YDL> Gordon: if you visit that site it'll reformat your hard drive
[14:03] <Gordon> but not better than mine
[14:03] <tenkei> i have no fucking idea, i do 2D not 3D
[14:03] <HL2001> damnit
[14:03] <Gordon> too late
[14:03] <QID|YDL> Gordon: your site sucks monkey nuts
[14:03] <Gordon> go ahead and try
[14:03] <Gordon> not my pc
[14:03] <Gordon> so i dont care
[14:03] <Gordon> im waitin
[14:03] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:04] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:04] <Gordon> oh no!
[14:04] <Gordon> my hd is reformatted
[14:04] <Gordon> help!
[14:04] <Gordon> waht shath i do!?
[14:04] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:04] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:04] <Gordon> yawn!
[14:04] <Gordon> borin
[14:04] <QID|YDL> Gordon: type /exit
[14:04] <HL2001> gordon- I put the joke in a file, type /beep 300 to read the file
[14:04] <Gordon> u wish
[14:05] * Gordon is not THAT stupid
[14:05] <HL2001> or is he...
[14:05] <Gordon> \exit
[14:05] <Gordon> whoops
[14:05] <Gordon> just plain stupid
[14:05] <Gordon> not 100%
[14:05] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:05] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:05] <Gordon> :-)
[14:05] <Gordon> :->
[14:06] <Gordon> }:->
[14:06] <Gordon> i feel devlish
[14:06] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:06] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:06] <Gordon> aint ya bored
[14:06] <Gordon> i typed beep 300
[14:06] <Gordon> didnt work
[14:06] <Gordon> havin fun?
[14:06] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:06] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:06] <Gordon> 'n' back again
[14:06] <Gordon> i wanna be molested
[14:07] *** BRiNGER ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:07] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o BRiNGER
[14:08] <Gordon> still aint been molested
[14:09] *** deathpain ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:10] * Gordon wonders when adolf christ will come over or when his hd will be formatted
[14:11] * Gordon slaps BRiNGER around a bit with a large trout
[14:11] * Gordon slaps DrDeath around a bit with a large trout
[14:11] * Gordon slaps JimmyCunt around a bit with a large trout
[14:11] *** Gordon was kicked by Sonny_G_bot (flood)
[14:11] *** Gordon ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:11] * Gordon slaps Sonny_G_bot around a bit with a large trout
[14:11] <Gordon> morons!
[14:11] <Gordon> bastards!
[14:11] *** BRiNGER sets mode: +b *!*[email protected].*
[14:11] *** Gordon was kicked by BRiNGER (<syn> Retard.)