[13:59] *** HellHammer[CP] ([email protected]) has joined #half-life[14:01] <Freeze> hellllll
[14:01] <HellHammer[CP]> hgkagfv
[14:01] <HellHammer[CP]> gahaha my cats are fighting
[14:02] <QID|YDL> kewl
[14:02] <Gwags> you sure they aint fuckin
[14:02] <HellHammer[CP]> yes
[14:02] *** Dritzen-Sleeping ([email protected]) has joined #Half-Life
[14:03] *** Dritzen-Sleeping is now known as Dritzen
[14:03] *** Rafter ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:05] <QID|YDL> ...
[14:05] <TinCan> ,,,
[14:06] <QID|YDL> '''
[14:06] <Dritzen> ---
[14:07] <TinCan> I would like to buy a vowel
[14:07] <Dritzen> Which one?
[14:07] <TinCan> can I have an "A" pat?
[14:08] <TinCan> I would like to solve the puzzle
[14:08] <Dritzen> that's not a vowel, the vowels are z x y q and v
[14:08] <Dritzen> we've changed the rules
[14:08] *** HellHammer[CP] has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
[14:09] *** HellHammer[CP] ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:09] <HellHammer[CP]> =(
[14:09] <Gwags> X
[14:09] <Gwags> ESX
[14:09] <Gwags> SEX
[14:09] * HellHammer[CP] is back -[ fuck you. plz ]- gone 3 min 44 s
[14:09] <HellHammer[CP]> !
[14:09] <TinCan> WAX
[14:10] <Dritzen> lol
[14:10] <HellHammer[CP]> sex = makes you constipated
[14:10] <Dritzen> heh
[14:10] <Dritzen> only if you take it up the ass
[14:10] <HellHammer[CP]> it's true
[14:10] <TinCan> heh
[14:10] <HellHammer[CP]> NO
[14:10] <Dritzen> lol
[14:10] <Dritzen> that's why it's called
[14:10] <Dritzen> fudge packing
[14:10] <TinCan> mmmmmmmmmm.... fudge
[14:10] <HellHammer[CP]> ass takage gives you da sqwerts
[14:10] <Gwags> tasty butt fudge
[14:11] <Gwags> I mean
[14:11] <Gwags> ah...
[14:11] <Gwags> no
[14:11] <Dritzen> heh
[14:11] <HellHammer[CP]> hmm
[14:11] * Dritzen bets Hellhammer knows all this from experience..
[14:11] <HellHammer[CP]> i read it...in a BOOK
[14:12] <TinCan> and I thought you just looked at the pictures
[14:12] <HellHammer[CP]> there was no pictures
[14:13] <TinCan> print is dead
[14:14] <Dritzen> heh
[14:14] <Dritzen> there was ascii
[14:14] <Dritzen> ==============D
[14:14] <HellHammer[CP]> .....
[14:14] *** |-threedeefex-| ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:14] <HellHammer[CP]> heh...yelling at cats is fun
[14:15] <Rafter> the_crafter suggests otherwise
[14:15] <Rafter> he says
[14:15] <Rafter> nevermind, i don't want to be quoted on this
[14:15] <QID|YDL> HellHammer[CP]: try a squirt gun
[14:15] <HellHammer[CP]> heheh, the_crafter
[14:15] <HellHammer[CP]> !!
[14:15] <HellHammer[CP]> that's mean =(
[14:15] <QID|YDL> no it's not
[14:15] *** Gwags has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
[14:15] <HellHammer[CP]> yes
[14:15] <HellHammer[CP]> it is
[14:15] <AUKEN> the_crafter is a homosexual
[14:15] <QID|YDL> the water evaporates anyways
[14:16] <HellHammer[CP]> you got that right
[14:16] * QID|YDL shoots hellhammer with a super soaker
[14:16] <Dritzen> orange pop rules
[14:16] <HellHammer[CP]> wtf is that?
[14:16] <Dritzen> you've never had orange pop?
[14:16] * AUKEN pulls his super soaker out his pants
[14:17] <AUKEN> bow down, heathens
[14:17] <HellHammer[CP]> i dont know what it is
[14:17] <Dritzen> ever have orange crush?
[14:17] <QID|YDL> orange pop 0wns
[14:17] <HellHammer[CP]> oh...
[14:17] <Dritzen> it's kind of like that
[14:17] <Dritzen> but stronger
[14:17] <HellHammer[CP]> no one says pop around here
[14:17] <AUKEN> like Sunkist and shit
[14:17] <Dritzen> the shit we make on this island is damn strong
[14:17] <Dritzen> 'cola' hehe
[14:17] <Dritzen> lol
[14:17] <QID|YDL> crush = orange pop/soda/whatever
[14:17] <Dritzen> cola, man that's funny
[14:17] *** Rafter is now known as Rafter|level
[14:17] <HellHammer[CP]> they call it carbonated drink
[14:17] *** Gwags ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:17] <TinCan> soda
[14:18] <Dritzen> in england, they call it 'fizzy drinks'
[14:18] <Dritzen> soda too, lol
[14:18] <AUKEN> in hellhammer's town they call it 'sowdie pops'
[14:18] <Dritzen> ahh man, you americans make me laugh
[14:18] <Gwags> who the fuck be fuckin disconnectin my ass
[14:18] <QID|YDL> in england, they call fries "chips"
[14:18] <Dritzen> if you went to a restaurant here
[14:18] * HellHammer[CP] raises his hand
[14:18] <QID|YDL> and they call trucks "lorries"
[14:18] <AUKEN> Gwags: eyem haxing joo
[14:18] <Dritzen> and ordered a 'soda'
[14:18] <@BRiNGER> In North America they called Dritzen "fag"
[14:18] <Dritzen> you'd be laughed out of the restaurant
[14:18] <QID|YDL> so we can conculde english people are fucked up
[14:18] <Gwags> nine
[14:18] <AUKEN> hahjfad'
[14:18] <QID|YDL> hehegeheheheg
[14:18] <HellHammer[CP]> hahhaha
[14:18] <Dritzen> lol
[14:19] *** |-threedeefex-| has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: I was using SD_mIRC.)
[14:19] <Dritzen> they call elavators 'lifts'
[14:19] <AUKEN> homos
[14:19] <HellHammer[CP]> there's a severed finger nail in my yogurt =(
[14:19] <QID|YDL> !
[14:19] <AUKEN> cool
[14:19] <AUKEN> save it
[14:19] <Dritzen> weird
[14:19] <HellHammer[CP]> err...nevermind..it was kiwi junk
[14:19] <Gwags> in canada the rain never stops
[14:19] <Dritzen> heh, maybe there will be a severed penis in the next one
[14:19] <QID|YDL> anyone see those benchmarks where the PII beat the shit out of a mac?
[14:19] <Dritzen> "Full of penis goodness"
[14:19] <AUKEN> PANIS
[14:20] <HellHammer[CP]> AVE KFC 666
[14:20] <Dritzen> lol
[14:20] <Dritzen> what the hell?
[14:20] <AUKEN> 4 LYFE
[14:20] <Dritzen> -YES-
[14:20] <HellHammer[CP]> you wouldn't understand, canuck
[14:20] <Dritzen> I spose not, hoser
[14:21] * HellHammer[CP] is away -[ drainin da fire hose ]- at 01:18p -[ P:On / L:On ]-
[14:22] <HellHammer[CP]> JAWOHL
[14:22] * HellHammer[CP] is back -[ drainin da fire hose ]- gone 1 min 17 s
[14:23] <HellHammer[CP]> im so dirty
[14:24] <HellHammer[CP]> gotta wash my hands...
[14:24] <AUKEN> ewww
[14:24] <AUKEN> go pet your cat before you do
[14:25] <AUKEN> give it that nice fresh panis smell
[14:25] *** Dritzen is now known as Dritzen-Movie
[14:25] <Dritzen-Movie> watchin tha hackerz movi
[14:25] <Dritzen-Movie> e
[14:25] <Dritzen-Movie> bbl
[14:26] <Freeze> hahaha
[14:26] <AUKEN> huh
[14:26] <HellHammer[CP]> hahahha
[14:26] <HellHammer[CP]> that movie sucks cock
[14:26] <AUKEN> what joo laughing at, canuk
[14:26] <Freeze> that feckin movie
[14:26] <Freeze> auken let's go to the chessboard :D
[14:26] <AUKEN> hackerz?
[14:26] <AUKEN> fuck you
[14:26] <Freeze> yeh
[14:26] <Freeze> >:|
[14:26] <AUKEN> faydwer sucks
[14:26] <Freeze> nuh uh
[14:26] <Freeze> where are you?
[14:26] <AUKEN> uh huh
[14:27] <AUKEN> Ro
[14:27] <Freeze> dumb cock
[14:27] <AUKEN> pfft
[14:27] *** Freeze is now known as FreezeEQ
[14:27] <AUKEN> big cock
[14:27] <HellHammer[CP]> hmm
[14:27] <AUKEN> more like
[14:27] <Masamune> where?
[14:27] <Masamune> GIVE IT TO ME
[14:27] <HellHammer[CP]> hahah
[14:27] <FreezeEQ> ...
[14:27] <AUKEN> (_(_)===========D~~~~~~~~~~~
[14:27] <Masamune> YES OH YES
[14:27] <Masamune> hehegeghe
[14:28] * HellHammer[CP] sneaks a touch
[14:28] <HellHammer[CP]> teehee
[14:28] <Masamune> HAHAHHA
[14:28] <AUKEN> fjdhfk
[14:28] <HellHammer[CP]> =(
[14:28] <AUKEN> whoa, there's a raging lesbian on the people's court
[14:28] <AUKEN> sweet
[14:28] <Masamune> hehe
[14:28] * HellHammer[CP] puts his fist in his mouth
[14:29] <HellHammer[CP]> *blort*
[14:29] <Masamune> i wish i could put a whole lightbulb in my mouth
[14:29] <Masamune> that would be the coolest trick
[14:29] <AUKEN> fdjshfdk
[14:29] <AUKEN> i can
[14:29] <AUKEN> ...
[14:29] <Masamune> cocksucker.
[14:29] *** Kevinl-Gone has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Ping timeout)
[14:29] <Masamune> k0k
[14:29] <Masamune> hgashghgfa
[14:30] <AUKEN> fhdskjf
[14:30] <HellHammer[CP]> everyone can do that
[14:30] <Masamune> i saw a guy eat a lightbulb once
[14:30] <AUKEN> just if it breaks in your mot it would suck royally
[14:30] <HellHammer[CP]> =\
[14:30] <AUKEN> little shards of glass going down your throat
[14:30] <AUKEN> *gag*
[14:30] <Masamune> i saw a guy on TV do it.. yeha
[14:31] <HellHammer[CP]> *spoewp*
[14:31] <Masamune> he said that he had to drink this special stuff before he did it.. to coat the little shards
[14:31] <HellHammer[CP]> my cat is smelling my dogs asshole...im worried
[14:31] <Masamune> hahah
[14:31] <AUKEN> hahhha
[14:31] <Masamune> my cat's breath smells like cat food.
[14:31] <AUKEN> so does mine =\
[14:31] <HellHammer[CP]> ....
[14:31] <Masamune> hehe
[14:31] * HellHammer[CP] bent his wookie
[14:31] <HellHammer[CP]> it's smelly
[14:32] <Masamune> hehe
[14:32] <Masamune> same goes for baby oil
[14:32] <AUKEN> hahah
[14:32] <HellHammer[CP]> hehe
[14:32] <HellHammer[CP]> and parkinson's disease
[14:32] * AUKEN hides his bottle of baby oil used for various puposes
[14:32] <Masamune> haha
[14:32] <AUKEN> *cough*
[14:33] <HellHammer[CP]> ....
[14:33] <HellHammer[CP]> recreational baby oil is cool
[14:33] <AUKEN> hdshjfg
[14:34] <HellHammer[CP]> they should put little sparkles in it so i looks like you have a magical shaft after you're done
[14:34] *** ICE_CUBE ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:34] <HellHammer[CP]> right?
[14:34] <AUKEN> WTF
[14:34] <AUKEN> OMG
[14:35] <Masamune> HAHHAHHA
[14:35] <AUKEN> FUCK THE POLICE#)(@*$
[14:35] <AUKEN> FUCK THE POLICE#)(@*$
[14:35] <AUKEN> FUCK THE POLICE#)(@*$
[14:35] <Masamune> haha
[14:35] <Masamune> tha
[14:35] <HellHammer[CP]> chech yo self fo you wreck yo self
[14:35] <HellHammer[CP]> er
[14:35] <HellHammer[CP]> check
[14:35] <AUKEN> chiggety check yoself
[14:35] <HellHammer[CP]> shot gun bullits iz bad fo yo helf
[14:35] <AUKEN> hdshf
[14:36] <ICE_CUBE> wtf you r so stuiped i'm out here
[14:36] *** ICE_CUBE has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: Leaving)
[14:36] <AUKEN> <Snd> Hi! I'm the talking vibrator! VREEEEEEEE
[14:36] <AUKEN> err
[14:36] <QID|YDL> shot gun bullets are bad for your elves?
[14:37] <HellHammer[CP]> vrreeee??
[14:37] *** [chrisXtreme] ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:37] <AUKEN> (virbrator talk)
[14:37] <HellHammer[CP]> should be: wwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[14:37] <[chrisXtreme]> help me im stick su,where in halflife
[14:37] <Masamune> no.
[14:37] <HellHammer[CP]> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvmmmmmmmmmmm
[14:37] <Masamune> LUBE
[14:37] <TinCan> stick su?
[14:37] <[chrisXtreme]> sumwhere
[14:37] <Masamune> wugga wugga wugga wugga!
[14:37] <AUKEN> hfdf
[14:37] <HellHammer[CP]> is that the gas operated vibrator?
[14:37] <Masamune> works like a charm!
[14:37] <HellHammer[CP]> vum vum vum vum vum vum
[14:37] <Masamune> YES.
[14:38] <HellHammer[CP]> i'll take 2
[14:38] <AUKEN> FUCK GAS.
[14:38] <[chrisXtreme]> im at this place wit this 3 headed beast, and i have turned on a fan an the power, and i still cant kill it
[14:38] <HellHammer[CP]> !
[14:38] <TinCan> you dont kill it
[14:38] * Masamune revs up his gas powered vibrator and squirts on some magical baby oil
[14:38] <QID|YDL> shit... I'm gonna just have to make this a log... I'd wind up with a 15-line quote
[14:38] <HellHammer[CP]> [chrisXtreme]: sorry, forgot about that part
[14:38] <[chrisXtreme]> wtf do i do
[14:38] <[chrisXtreme]> where do i go then
[14:38] <AUKEN> ahjdfsf marsa
[14:38] <HellHammer[CP]> MY magical brand?
[14:38] <Masamune> YES
[14:38] <AUKEN> chris: use goddmode
[14:38] <Masamune> wif sparkles
[14:38] <Masamune> hahaha
[14:38] <[chrisXtreme]> i cant find anywhere to go
[14:38] <[chrisXtreme]> do i go back where i came from?
[14:39] <Masamune> no
[14:39] <HellHammer[CP]> uncle skippy's patented sparkly nut l00b
[14:39] <AUKEN> chris: fuck acctually playing the shit
[14:39] <[chrisXtreme]> nono
[14:39] <Masamune> go down the pit
[14:39] <[chrisXtreme]> i dont cheat
[14:39] <Masamune> GO DOWN THE PIT!!!)*@^$
[14:39] <Masamune> AHJHAHGD
[14:39] <[chrisXtreme]> hold on
[14:39] <[chrisXtreme]> see i jsut climed back uptop :(
[14:39] <HellHammer[CP]> fuck da po-leece
[14:39] *** secks ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:39] <Masamune> comin straight out that underground
[14:39] *** BRiNGER has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Connection reset by peer)
[14:39] *** SmartFish ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:39] <Masamune> tha
[14:39] <Masamune> SECKS.
[14:40] <SmartFish> Heya
[14:40] <SmartFish> :D
[14:40] <HellHammer[CP]> ooOOoOOOOOOoOoo
[14:40] *** AUKEN has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Connection reset by peer)
[14:40] *** BRiNGER ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:40] <QID|YDL> hey UNFKEN
[14:40] *** secks is now known as AUKEN
[14:40] <Masamune> smartfish: you in royal oak, michigan?
[14:40] <SmartFish> yea
[14:40] <HellHammer[CP]> gimme awl j00r secks, plz
[14:40] <SmartFish> err no
[14:40] <SmartFish> around there
[14:40] <Masamune> cool..
[14:40] <Masamune> i'm in grossie pointie hehehef
[14:40] <SmartFish> I live in Troy
[14:40] <Masamune> yah
[14:40] <AUKEN> WOW
[14:40] <AUKEN> THE LOST CITY!?!
[14:40] <[chrisXtreme]> wtf you mean go into the pit
[14:40] <SmartFish> what?
[14:40] <Masamune> hHAD
[14:40] <Masamune> GO IN THE PIT
[14:40] <HellHammer[CP]> troy must have a big ass
[14:41] <TinCan> [chrisXtreme] http://www.planethalflife.com/half-life/walkthrough/
[14:41] <Masamune> no
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> what put
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> what pit
[14:41] <Masamune> the pit with the slime in it
[14:41] <TinCan> nope ignore that
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> where?
[14:41] <Masamune> swim around
[14:41] <HellHammer[CP]> http://www.gamespot.com/features/macvspc/3.html
[14:41] <Masamune> haha
[14:41] <AUKEN> pee in the fan
[14:41] <Masamune> pee on the electric fence
[14:41] <AUKEN> hahhdks
[14:41] <HellHammer[CP]> ahah
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> the only way you guys fucking bea the game is non-legit
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> goddamn you suck
[14:41] <Masamune> nope
[14:41] <[chrisXtreme]> beat
[14:41] <Masamune> hehe
[14:42] <Masamune> i beat it with no cheats
[14:42] <QID|YDL> at least we can spell
[14:42] <AUKEN> AHAHA
[14:42] <HellHammer[CP]> my brother did that once with a cow fence
[14:42] <HellHammer[CP]> what a dumb fuck
[14:42] <Masamune> hahahaa
[14:42] <[chrisXtreme]> i didnt sleep last night, you cant blame my typing
[14:42] <QID|YDL> HellHammer[CP]: what happened?
[14:42] <HellHammer[CP]> svdsbdgagagkjghs
[14:42] <QID|YDL> [chrisXtreme]: yes I can
[14:42] <HellHammer[CP]> what do you think?
[14:42] *** [chrisXtreme] has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: Leaving)
[14:43] <AUKEN> "<beavis> when i was young i whizzed on an electric fence, it really hurt it shocked my balls..uh heh heh heh heh"
[14:43] <Masamune> haha
[14:43] <HellHammer[CP]> I REBENEMBER THAT ONE!
[14:43] <Masamune> hey.. i got like 4 hours of sleep last night and i'm not tired one tib
[14:43] <AUKEN> YEA@!#@~~~
[14:43] <Masamune> bit
[14:43] <Masamune> tib
[14:43] <Masamune> HJGGFAS'
[14:43] <SmartFish> pee in a fan?
[14:43] <AUKEN> yes
[14:43] <HellHammer[CP]> J00 DYE
[14:43] <AUKEN> whiz on that sucker
[14:44] <HellHammer[CP]> its a great party trick
[14:44] <HellHammer[CP]> if you pee in a fan (preferably on the floor) all the chick'll dig ya =D
[14:44] <HellHammer[CP]> chicks
[14:44] <HellHammer[CP]> ME 3TOO
[14:44] <Masamune> me 4three
[14:44] <AUKEN> dfjdsh
[14:45] <Masamune> fuck i'm lame.
[14:45] <Masamune> HAHHAAHGD
[14:45] <FreezeEQ> hahaha
[14:45] <AUKEN> what if you started going down her pants...and you got to her bush and it was sweaty as fuck and slimy
[14:45] <AUKEN> i'd say yummy!
[14:46] <HellHammer[CP]> slimy@#%
[14:46] <HellHammer[CP]> hmmm
[14:46] <HellHammer[CP]> id say "oh well"
[14:46] <AUKEN> hadjh
[14:46] <HellHammer[CP]> then ill keep "missing"
[14:47] <SmartFish> uhm
[14:47] <HellHammer[CP]> then ill poke her eye out with my baby oil bottle@#%
[14:47] <AUKEN> heefh
[14:47] *** SmartFish is now known as stud
[14:47] <AUKEN> harhar
[14:47] <HellHammer[CP]> then ill go home and enchate my schlong
[14:47] <HellHammer[CP]> enchant
[14:48] <AUKEN> woo
[14:48] <stud> heh
[14:48] <TinCan> what if you started going down her pants... and you notice (s)he has a panis
[14:48] *** stud is now known as StudFish
[14:48] <StudFish> TINCAN THAT IS NASTY!
[14:48] <AUKEN> i'd take a lick
[14:48] <AUKEN> err...
[14:48] <AUKEN> n/m
[14:48] <HellHammer[CP]> !!!!!
[14:48] <TinCan> heh
[14:48] <HellHammer[CP]> id run away crying like a girl =D
[14:48] <StudFish> YOU WOULD TAKE A LICK?
[14:48] <StudFish> WTf?
[14:48] <AUKEN> i'd punch her cock
[14:48] <AUKEN> err his
[14:49] <QID|YDL> hegehe
[14:49] <HellHammer[CP]> ghaha
[14:49] <TinCan> I'd kick him right in the nuts
[14:49] <StudFish> ah
[14:49] <QID|YDL> Quote: <TinCan> what if you started going down her pants... and you notice (s)he has a panis | <StudFish> TINCAN THAT IS NASTY! | <AUKEN> i'd take a lick
[14:49] <HellHammer[CP]> punch her cock with j00r tongue
[14:49] <QID|YDL> there's the new topic
[14:49] <StudFish> I dare you all to have this conversation in #gamespy
[14:49] <TinCan> <AUKEN> swings that way "suuuuuper"
[14:49] <HellHammer[CP]> i cant
[14:50] <StudFish> why
[14:50] * HellHammer[CP] is on "da shitlist"
[14:50] <StudFish> haha
[14:50] <AUKEN> me too @#@~~
[14:50] <HellHammer[CP]> i gotz a personal ban msg too =D
[14:50] <StudFish> what did it say
[14:50] <HellHammer[CP]> ill show you
[14:51] <AUKEN> 'I bet you get your cpu in a box of crackerjax'
[14:51] <AUKEN> man this song owns
[14:51] <HellHammer[CP]> =D
[14:51] <HellHammer[CP]> gbot is a k0ks000kah
[14:51] <TinCan> [11:50] *** HellHammer[CP] was kicked by GBot (banned: HH - BYE BYE LAMER!)
[14:52] <StudFish> what did u d
[14:52] <StudFish> do
[14:52] <HellHammer[CP]> i bet they're talkin shit now =(
[14:52] *** DarkSea ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:53] <TinCan> didnt even take notice
[14:53] <HellHammer[CP]> heheh
[14:53] <TinCan> auken is upset cuz he is not baned
[14:53] <HellHammer[CP]> coool, everyone's ignoring me =D
[14:54] <AUKEN> damnit, they wont give me an auto ban
[14:54] <AUKEN> >=|
[14:54] <HellHammer[CP]> heheh
[14:54] <TinCan> heh
[14:54] <HellHammer[CP]> gah
[14:54] <StudFish> hehe should I change my name to HellHammer[CP] while in #gamespy?????
[14:54] <HellHammer[CP]> change it to achtung
[14:54] <StudFish> y
[14:54] *** UK|Electrico ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:54] <QID|YDL> or SeigHail
[14:54] <TinCan> ello UK
[14:54] <QID|YDL> egh
[14:54] <UK|Electrico> hey
[14:54] <HellHammer[CP]> because i wanna nick kill you =)
[14:55] <QID|YDL> heh
[14:55] <StudFish> <Haunter> im afraid i'm way smarter than you guys
[14:55] <StudFish> whats up with that
[14:55] 2:55pm Channel information: Ops: 0(0%) Non Ops: 18(100%) Total: 18
[14:55] <AUKEN> WHEE
[14:55] <AUKEN> BAN ME @@$
[14:56] <AUKEN> err
[14:56] <QID|YDL> haunt is some lamer who's been bothering us
[14:56] <AUKEN> yay @$#%
[14:56] <HellHammer[CP]> heh
[14:56] <AUKEN> eye got banned from gheyspy, wheehaw
[14:56] <AUKEN> for calling some guy a tard
[14:56] <HellHammer[CP]> =D
[14:56] <HellHammer[CP]> hahahghah
[14:56] <AUKEN> he said "dont call me a tard"
[14:56] <QID|YDL> what guy?
[14:56] <AUKEN> i say "tard. !"
[14:56] <AUKEN> krill
[14:57] <AUKEN> kril
[14:57] <HellHammer[CP]> did you cobby in your pants again?
[14:57] <AUKEN> haha
[14:57] <QID|YDL> heheghee
[14:57] <AUKEN> that damn lesbo whore
[14:57] *** Dritzen-Movie is now known as Dritzen
[14:57] <AUKEN> i think she gives GoNINzo wood , cause every time i diss her he takes offense
[14:58] *** Dritzen has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: Playing EQ)
[14:58] *** BoMiester ([email protected]) has joined #half-life
[14:59] <AUKEN> errr
[14:59] <AUKEN> eq time
[14:59] *** AUKEN has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: <PoSTaL> do u like sex)