[17:56] [R1CH:#gloom LILGIB:] Now formatting: C:\ Volume label: HtmlGod[the][17:56] ��� ^CouGaR^ sets nick: CouG^Q2
[17:56] <QID|YDL> hhahahaga
[17:56] <+DevilWarrior> KILL HIM!!!
[17:56] <STERLING> hehehe
[17:56] ��� lilgib ([email protected]) quits: Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely - Orwell, George. Something I think the ops in #gloom should think about =)
[17:56] <HtmlGod[the]> DIE QID
[17:56] <HtmlGod[the]> ERR
[17:56] <HtmlGod[the]> R1CH
[17:56] <QID|YDL> RubyRiot: password protect the bios
[17:56] <QID|YDL> keep him off the comp
[17:56] ��� RubyRiot ([email protected]) quits: going to kill father, see you on America's most wanted
[17:56] <+smthng_evil[KA]> ACK! Nutscrap?!? Oh, the horror.
[17:56] <HtmlGod[the]> r1ch is formatting my c drive
[17:56] <HtmlGod[the]> heh
[17:57] <STERLING> hehehe
[17:57] <HtmlGod[the]> he better not be...
[17:57] <HtmlGod[the]> heh
[17:57] <HtmlGod[the]> r1ch you little fag
[17:57] <HtmlGod[the]> die
[17:57] <QID|YDL> hege
[17:58] [R1CH:#gloom LILGIB:] Format Complete. Enter volume label (11 characters max, ENTER for none):
[17:58] <HtmlGod[the]> LOL
[17:58] <QID|YDL> haga
[17:58] [R1CH:#gloom LILGIB:] Format Another? (Y/N):
[17:58] <HtmlGod[the]> r1ch
[17:58] <HtmlGod[the]> stop
[17:58] <STERLING> heh
[17:58] <+R1CH> i am
[17:58] <HtmlGod[the]> you didnt' do anything
[17:58] <HtmlGod[the]> did you?
[17:58] <+DevilWarrior> y
[17:58] <+R1CH> yes
[17:58] <QID|YDL> HtmlGod[the]: hahagaha
[17:58] <+R1CH> when you reboot
[17:58] <+DevilWarrior> Y
[17:58] <+DevilWarrior> Damnit!
[17:59] <+DevilWarrior> FORMAT ANOTHER!!
[17:59] <+R1CH> you will lose everything
[17:59] <HtmlGod[the]> lol
[17:59] <HtmlGod[the]> yeah right
[17:59] <+R1CH> hehe
[17:59] <+R1CH> back to codez0ring
[17:59] <STERLING> Gib doubts the power...
[17:59] * QID|YDL laughs as htmlgod sweats like a bad toilet in august
[17:59] <HtmlGod[the]> r1ch
[17:59] ��� R1CH sets nick: R1CH|codez0ring
[17:59] <HtmlGod[the]> seriously
[17:59] <HtmlGod[the]> heh
[17:59] <QID|YDL> EARLY august
[17:59] <QID|YDL> when it's real hot
[18:00] <QID|YDL> :-D
[18:00] <QID|YDL> er, humid
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> that was just a spoof, right?
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> heh
[18:00] * HtmlGod[the] is sweating...
[18:00] <+R1CH|codez0ring> no, i used a qidbot backdoor
[18:00] <+R1CH|codez0ring> to execute any dos command
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> sure ya did
[18:00] <+R1CH|codez0ring> lol, yes it was just a joke.......
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> ok
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> whew
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> =)
[18:00] <HtmlGod[the]> had me freaked out there for a sec
[18:01] <QID|YDL> hagahahaga
[18:01] <+R1CH|codez0ring> gotta try that on some newbied
[18:01] <HtmlGod[the]> *cough* it worked on me *cough*