[15:48] *** MacVader ([email protected]) has joined #half-life[15:49] <MacVader> hi
[15:49] <FreezeEQ> just assemble your own
[15:49] <QID|YDL> I dunno if the one we got can do 5 channels
[15:49] <FreezeEQ> the one down here is mine personally
[15:49] <MacVader> anyone play cstrike?
[15:49] <QID|YDL> we don't have any stereo kits
[15:49] <MacVader> how come theres no ops in here?
[15:49] <FreezeEQ> the mx300 can't even decode 5 channels
[15:49] <QID|YDL> there's a daughter card for that
[15:49] <FreezeEQ> brb
[15:50] <MacVader> um yeh
[15:50] <MacVader> ok
[15:50] <QID|YDL> to support dolby digital 5.1
[15:50] <MacVader> �/|\ �� 飦�� |-|�x��
[15:50] <QID|YDL> good for you
[15:50] <BRiNGER> wtf is that queerness?
[15:50] <FreezeEQ> how much is it?
[15:50] <QID|YDL> BRiNGER: lamerspeek
[15:50] <FreezeEQ> I'm an elite haxor
[15:50] <MacVader> � ��x ���
[15:50] <HellHammer[CP]> ghahha
[15:50] <QID|YDL> FreezeEQ: I dunno
[15:50] <FreezeEQ> I FIGURED IT OUT
[15:50] <HellHammer[CP]> h00msp33k
[15:50] <FreezeEQ> I rox you?
[15:50] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o BRiNGER
[15:50] <MacVader> �|-|34�
[15:50] <@BRiNGER> Stop that homosexuality.
[15:50] <FreezeEQ> haha
[15:50] <HellHammer[CP]> what's it say~?
[15:51] <MacVader> � \\'��� �\\'� ���
[15:51] <QID|YDL> 'phear'
[15:51] <HellHammer[CP]> i cant read it!!!! =(
[15:51] <QID|YDL> 'i will own you'
[15:51] <MacVader> � �/|\ 31337
[15:51] <FreezeEQ> qid: you can pick up even like a kenwood digital 5.1 receiver for like $200 us
[15:51] <QID|YDL> 'i am eleet'
[15:51] <HellHammer[CP]> what am i missing!?!?!?
[15:51] <MacVader> qid is my interpreter
[15:51] <FreezeEQ> and it'll be a lot better than some fucking daughter card
[15:51] <QID|YDL> FreezeEQ: I dun have that much money to spend
[15:51] <MacVader> ��|{���� |-|�|{
[15:51] <HellHammer[CP]> ok..ban him plz
[15:51] <QID|YDL> 'backdoor hack'
[15:51] <FreezeEQ> well thats a problem =\
[15:51] <QID|YDL> KLINE
[15:51] <MacVader> no, dont ban me
[15:52] <MacVader> ����� � \\'��� |-|�|{ ��� ��� �|-|�� �|-|���� ��� ��� �|-|34� ����� ࣣ �f ���
[15:52] <MacVader> try that
[15:52] <QID|YDL> 'cause I will hack you and this channel and rain phear uppon all of you'
[15:52] <MacVader> heheh
[15:52] <FreezeEQ> cause I will hack you and this channel and rain phear upon all of you
[15:52] <QID|YDL> you can't spell worth shit
[15:53] <FreezeEQ> yeh
[15:53] <QID|YDL> upon has only one p
[15:53] <MacVader> � \\'��� ���Ѣ ��� ��|{� �v� �|-|�� �|-|����.......�|-|34�
[15:53] <QID|YDL> and it should be reign
[15:53] <QID|YDL> 'i will desync and take over this channel... phear'
[15:53] <FreezeEQ> RAIN
[15:53] <MacVader> no i mean rain
[15:53] <FreezeEQ> hehe
[15:53] <MacVader> as in the phear will rain
[15:53] *** MacVader has quit IRC ([email protected]) (Quit: Leaving)