[21:12] <Reaper> no shutup[21:12] <Reaper> i said shutup
[21:13] <Reaper> damn't voices go away
[21:13] <Reaper> grr, I'm not gon kill him
[21:13] <Reaper> never
[21:13] <QID|YDL> um.
[21:13] <Reaper> well maybe if he looked at my ass
[21:13] <Reaper> no shutup I won't do it
[21:13] <QID|YDL> *logging*
[21:13] <Reaper> I will NOT rape his corpse you pervert
[21:13] <Reaper> you are one sick voice
[21:13] <QID|YDL> reaper_goes_insane.log
[21:13] ��� Llurk ([email protected]) joins: #gloom
[21:13] <Reaper> why do you always whisper?
[21:14] <Reaper> stop whispering
[21:14] <Reaper> just talk normal
[21:14] <Dicion> pssst
[21:14] <Dicion> heh
[21:14] <Dicion> OW!
[21:14] <Dicion> im huccuping
[21:14] <Dicion> and it hurts
[21:14] <Reaper> no I'm not gon kill him either
[21:14] <Llurk> Spork? you here?
[21:14] <Reaper> hiccups aren't a reason to die!
[21:14] <QID|YDL> haga
[21:14] <Reaper> stupid bastard
[21:14] ��� FireBlade ([email protected]) quits: Leaving
[21:14] <Reaper> you can't hurt me you're a voice
[21:14] <Reaper> wait
[21:14] <Reaper> stay away from my frontal lobes
[21:14] <Reaper> I said stay away!
[21:14] * QID|YDL smacks reaper
[21:14] <Reaper> NOOOO
[21:14] <Reaper> AHHHHH
[21:14] * Reaper falls to the floor lifeless
[21:14] ��� Reaper sets nick: ReapR|Away
[21:34] * ReapR|Away massages his forehead and stands up off the ground
[21:34] ��� ReapR|Away sets nick: Reap
[21:34] <Roach> as the crippled children ran up and down the stairs
[21:34] <Reap> I think the voices are gone for now
[21:44] <Reap> ...
[21:45] <QID|YDL> WOOHOO!
[21:45] <Drean> !stupid
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> lol
[21:45] <Reap> you will all
[21:45] <Reap> umm...
[21:45] <Reap> ...
[21:45] <Drean> hey asuka
[21:45] <Reap> egh
[21:45] <Drean> thrn the rest on
[21:45] <Reap> eep
[21:45] <Drean> turh
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> im getting a bryce 4 thing at 1023 bytes a second :)
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> lol
[21:45] * Reap begins to shake violently
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> 1 byte off 1k/sec
[21:45] <Reap> oh no
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> eheh
[21:45] <Reap> they're coming back
[21:45] <Reap> the voices!
[21:45] <Reap> OMH
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> i need asdl :p
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> asdl
[21:45] <Reap> ,1I am the subconscious of Reaper-1
[21:45] <Drean> HAHAHA
[21:45] <DaddyDeath> is only $50 a month for 1.5 mbit
[21:45] <Reap> ,1PH34R
[21:45] <Drean> Cosmetics: preventing men from reading between the lines
[21:46] <Reap> ,1for I hold the secrets of the world
[21:46] * DaddyDeath GiVeS Reap a *CeNSoReD*
[21:46] * DaddyDeath grabs Reap's trout, eats it, then slaps Reap with the bones
[21:46] <Reap> ,1If you will all be patient
[21:46] <Reap> ,1I will tell you the secret of the universe
[21:46] <Reap> ,1the very meaning of life in essence
[21:46] <QID|YDL> Reap: 42?
[21:46] <DaddyDeath> reap
[21:46] <Reap> ,1no qid
[21:46] <DaddyDeath> hury up
[21:46] <QID|YDL> aww
[21:46] <Reap> ,1I found the REAL meaning of life
[21:46] <Reap> ,1and it is
[21:46] <Del-Panties_and_Bresteses> sex
[21:46] <DaddyDeath> NOTHING !!!!
[21:47] <Reap> ,1panties
[21:47] <Reap> hee hee
[21:47] <QID|YDL> HAGA
[21:47] <Del-Panties_and_Bresteses> werd
[21:47] <Reap> hee hee
[21:47] <Reap> ,1panties
[21:47] <Reap> ,1panties
[21:47] <Reap> =)
[21:47] <DaddyDeath> i want my thing out of jasmines panties, its still there from when i put it there :)
[21:47] <Spork> ,1pink panties
[21:47] ��� Del-Panties_and_Bresteses sets nick: Del
[21:47] <Del> werd hes my homie
[21:47] <Reap> I've taken up the childish pervert psyche